Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Camping - Putnam State Park, Redding, CT

October brought the annual Webelos trip where the older Cub Scouts, who are preparing to bridge over to Boy Scouts, are invited along on a trip to see what comes next in their Scouting career. This year, the event was held in Putnam State Park, site of the ‘1778-1779’ Winter Encampment for General Putnam’s Continental Army Troops in Redding. The Boy Scouts led their Cub studies through the ruins of the Revolutionary War self-guided walk, finishing in the museum where they could view many of the tools, weapons and artifacts of the time. After lunch, the Troop taught the Cub Scouts many of the skills needed to have a safe and fun camping experience, including setting up camp, fire building, first aid, knot tying and emergency shelter building. The evening campfire included a healthy (?) dose of smores! The Webelos parents also participate in this event to see the many benefits of continuing with the Scouting program.

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